
Current Events for February 23, 2014Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 11:33 am

Venezuela's Most Persistent Lightning Storm Keeps Going And Going And . . .

The most exciting storms are ones accompanied by flashes of lightning. Unfortunately those are rare, unless you are in the vicinity of the Catatumbo River in Northwestern Venezuela, home to the spectacular everlasting 'rib a-ba’, or ‘river of fire' lighting storms.

The Sports You Will Not See At Sochi Or Any Other Winter Olympics!

This year's Winter Olympics is the longest in the 90-year history of the games. That's because the International Olympics Committee decided to add a record, twelve new events across eight disciplines - ranging from ski half-pipe to snowboard parallel slalom and even a Luge - team rally competition. Does that mean that future Winter Olympics will be as long? Not necessarily. Here are a few sports that made a grand debut and even lasted a few games, before being scrapped in favor of more exciting and popular sports!

Have Superbugs? Call In The Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot!

When one thinks of fighting robots, it is usually in context of them combating large terrifying alien creatures, not microorganisms that are invisible to the human eye. But the emergence of resilient bacteria that scientists call superbugs, has left medical experts with no choice, but to call in the best combat force available!

Mexico's One Man Alpine Ski Team!

If you happened to watch the opening ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympic Games you may have noticed an unusual sight - A single athlete representing Mexico. It was not because other contestants from the country had decided to skip the parade, but because Prince Hubertus von Hohenlohe, is Mexico's sole representative at the Games.

Video of the Week - Daredevils Attempt Tightrope Walk Between Two Hot Air Balloons!

While daredevils like Nik Wallenda make it look easy, tightrope walking is not for the faint of heart under any circumstances. Now imagine trying the feat thousands of feet above the ground, on a three-inch-wide rope tied to two floating hot air balloons! That is exactly the stunt two French men tried to pull off on February 6th, 2013, in South of France.

Urban Bees Respond to Littering by Adopting Innovative Nest-Building Techniques

As you probably know, being 'busy as a bee', is not just an empty metaphor. From searching for nectar and pollen to tending to honeycombs, bees are amongst the hardest workers out there. So it should come as no surprise that two species of urban leafcutter bees in Canada, have learnt to adapt to our increasingly polluted world, by using small pieces of plastic found in the litter, to build their nests.

Current Events for February 2, 2014Sunday, February 2, 2014 at 4:50 pm

It's Super Bowl Sunday AKA America's Second Largest Food Consumption Day

There are few celebrations that Americans look forward to, more than Super Bowl Sunday. And while the love for the game is an obvious reason, there is another equally important element - The food! For, believe it or not, Super Bowl Sunday is not just the most popular television event of the year, but also the second-largest day for food consumption, after Thanksgiving!

Not Into Football? Then You May Want To Check Out The Puppy Bowl!

Super Bowl Sunday means different things to different people - For some it's the thrill of the game, while for others it's a chance to see some fun commercials and maybe, their favorite star at the half-time show. Then there are those that simply view the day as an excuse to have a party and gorge on junk food.

Observant 10-Year-Old Saves Elderly Neighbor's Life

A ten-year-old from Howell, Michigan is being hailed a hero, thanks to his persistence that led to saving the life of an elderly neighbor. The chain of events unfolded late in the evening on Saturday, January 26th, when Danny DiPietro was being driven home from hockey practice by his dad.

Giddy Up! It's The Year Of The Horse

On Friday, January 31st, 2014, more than a billion people of Chinese origin will usher in the first day of the year 4712. Known as the Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, it marks the beginning of the longest and most significant of all Chinese festivals. As the name indicates, the four-thousand-year-old tradition whose date is determined by the lunar calendar, began as a way to mark the end of the dreary winter season and the beginning of spring.

Why Australian Researchers Are 'Spying' On 5,000 Honey Bees

The industrious honey bee not only provides us with delicious honey, but also, helps pollinate about a third of the world's fruits and vegetables. It is therefore no wonder that the ongoing deaths of millions of the tiny insects throughout the world, a phenomenon scientists call Colony-Collapse Disorder, has researchers extremely worried. What's even worse is that despite extensive investigation, the cause still remains a total mystery.

American Winter Freeze Results In Some Cool Natural Phenomena

On Monday, January 27th, residents of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois woke up to a special treat - Giant snow rollers. Often described as nature's snow sculptures, the beautiful giant columns are a rare meteorological phenomenon.

Is This The World's Most Incredible Paper Airplane? We Sure Think So!

When one thinks of paper airplanes, the image that comes to mind is usually one of a carelessly folded creation that takes a few seconds to build. However, don't tell that to Luca Iaconi-Stewart. He has spent the last five years building one from Manila paper and is still not done!

Suffering From Boredom? What Kind?

The next time you utter the words 'I am bored', don't be surprised if someone asks you what kind? That's because scientists have discovered that there are five nuances of this one emotion - indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant and apathetic!

Video Of The Week - Peru's Underwater Artist

Many artists specialize in painting marine life. However, few do it like Peruvian artist Pascual Mimbela - By taking a plunge into the Pacific and creating his masterpieces, as his subjects swim by.

Celebrating The Life And Achievements of Martin Luther King, Jr.

On the third Monday of January each year, Americans celebrate the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - the civil rights activist who is often credited for singly-handedly spearheading the nation's civil rights movement.
  • SM #10over 10 years
    In the chinese calender it the year of the dragon. the diffrent foods signify smoething speacial, like spring rolls that repersents wealth and prosperity. some characteristics of the people that were born in the year of the horse are energetic, cheerful, popular, and talented.
    • eb3over 10 years
      Super bowl monday should be a holiday because we should have a day off and people are half asleep on mondays.And we shouldn't have school on monday because people are so tired.
      • SM #10over 10 years
        The 5 kinds of bordedom are indifferent, calibrating, searching,reactant, and apathetic. The researchers did the study by a smartphone survey based on their actives experences over the course of two weeks. The fact that the categories vaild so thats what the researchers worryed about.
        • eb3over 10 years
          the rules are to encouraged to bite toys and chew on bones and touch down is declared everytime they manage to drag a ball shaped toy to the end zone and any dog caught relieving itself on the field it charged with a penalty.Are the fish bowl by national geogrphic and kitty bowl by hallmark channel.
          • KC4over 10 years
            Wow I cant belive the beutiful pantings he does under water.
            • SM #10over 10 years
              If I was in danny's shoes I would of told my mom and dad and would of walked over there to help the dog but in this case it was a lady that had fell.
              • SM #10over 10 years
                Why did the animal planet channel interduce puppy bowl? animal planet interduced puppy bowl because they wanted to compete with the super bowl. what are the rules of the puppy bowl? the rules of the puppy bowl is that young dogs are encoughed to bite toys and chew on bones and a touch down is declared evey time they manage to drag a ball shaped toy to the end zone and ant dog caought reliving its self is charged with a penalty. what are some new shows competeing with the puppy bowl? some new shows that are competeing with the super bowl are fish bowl by national geographic and kitty bowl by hallmark channel.
                • dq 14over 10 years
                  I think superbowl monday should be a holiday because your probally really tired. The next day you want to celebate if your team won.I also think that the superbowl is very important to the broncos and seahawks fans.
                  • kc4over 10 years
                    1.Pizza ,chiken wings,foot lond subs,hot dogs burgers. 2. 10 million hours and $2.37 million 3.Aboute 7 million workers call in sick and equally as many show up late.
                    • br #15over 10 years
                      well im an animal lover and if i thought it was a dog i would of went to see who's dog it was then called my mom for help.
                      • A.B2over 10 years
                        i think Luca will take time off school so he can create something amazing.Plus if Luca makes it Luca wiil be proud herself.And when shes done that will be something that know ones ever seen.
                        • Mrs. Boyerover 10 years
                          I'm all for holidays, especially if we get a three day weekend! I know several adults call in on the following Monday, so to make work more productive, just go ahead and legally allow it a day off. I think the best thing might be to move the super bowl to Saturday night instead though.
                          • wilson12345
                            wilson12345over 10 years
                            If you moved the Super Bowl to Saturday it wouldnt be Super Bowl Sunday and more plus, the Super Bowl has been on Sunday sences proably the I Super Bowl. It just wouldn't be right.

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