2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

A Week Of Uncanny Resemblances

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This week, the news headlines have been bombarded with vegetables and animals bearing an uncanny resemblance to items from animated movies. First came the Shrek fish, then the Spud Trek and now, a carrot that resembles Buzz Lightyear!

The Shrek look-alike fish, an Asian sheepshead wrasse was discovered by fisherman in the waters around Japan . Relatively common in the region, the species is known for strange protrusions on its forehead and chin. However, this one resembled the green ogre so much that the fisherman thought it would be fun to take a video and share it with the rest of the world.

The Spud Trek, that closely resembles Star Trek's Enterprise Spaceship, is not only one hot looking potato, but at 8lbs 4ozs, also the largest one ever grown. The handiwork of amateur gardener Peter Glazebrook, the potato weighs 9ozs more than the previous record holder. The secret to his gardening success? Start with the right seed!

Buzz Lightyear showed up in Clive Anderson's garden. The 68-year old grandfather of three, who went to fetch some carrots for dinner, instead pulled out this toy story hero. Mr. Anderson, who has a rocky garden, says that his vegetables often grow forked. What he is most happy about is that he can now get his grandkids to eat more vegetables (maybe!)

Have you seen any vegetables or animals that remind you of some famous character - If so, be sure to let us know by adding your comments below.

Sources: metro.co.uk, dailymail.co.uk

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Science rules #1Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 8:29 pm

Mrs. IngleRead these Science stories and a comment on each.

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