2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

Science rules #1Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 8:29 pm

Mrs. IngleRead these Science stories and a comment on each.

Ms. Richards

Gluttonous Microbes Devour Gulf Oil

Not too long ago it seemed that the Gulf oil spill nightmare would never end - All of BP's efforts to stop the leak kept failing and even after they succeeded, experts fretted about the clean-up and the impact on the region's wildlife. Now, it seems nature has joined us in our clean-up efforts in the form of a gluttonous oil-eating bacteria.

A Week Of Uncanny Resemblances

This week, the news headlines have been bombarded with vegetables and animals bearing an uncanny resemblance to items from animated movies. First came the Shrek fish, then the Spud Trek and now, a carrot that resembles Buzz Lightyear!

Mind-Reading Machine Almost A Reality

A group of scientists at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, recently revealed that they may be really close to perfecting a machine that helps translate brain signals into words, a significant breakthrough that will allow severely paralyzed people to be able to communicate their thoughts clearly.

Video Of The Week - A New Human Domino Record

On August 14th, 10,267 Chinese nationals assembled in the Mongolian city of Ordos, to establish a new human domino record.

Too Tall To Go To School!

At 6ft-9inches tall, 14-year-old teen Elisany Silva, certainly stands high above the rest of her family and friends - Not surprising, given that she is currently one of the tallest teenagers in the world!

Cooking With Miranda - Fresh Berry Jam

Trying to hold on to the last remnants of summer fruit? What better way to do it than making delicious berry jam. You can use just strawberries or mix up all your favorite berries - Either way, it is delicious!

Ozone Layer On Its Way To Recovery

Given the constant barrage of grim press about global warming, it is nice to hear some positive news. Earlier this week, a newly released report indicated that our depleting Ozone layer is being replenished, a little faster than had been originally anticipated.

Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold - Have Scientists Finally Found The 'Goldilocks' Planet?

It's not too hot, not too cold, not too large, not too small, not too far from its star, not too close . . . . . . In short, it is perfect, should we dare say it? To harbor life! At least that's the opinion of two smart astronomers - And many others seem to agree with them.

Could Jellyfish Protein Power Nano Medical Devices?

Researchers at Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology, believe that protein from jellyfish may be a new source of energy - one that could aid medical science power nanotechnology devices (tools that can manipulate matter on a molecular or atomic scale).

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