Kids News - Current Events

Happy Summer from DOGOnews! Our team is taking a short break. We'll be back soon with more exciting news!

Video Of The Week - Your Life In Jellybeans

You may have often heard your parents say 'life is short' - But to most of you the average American lifespan of 79 years or 28,835 days probably feels like an eternity. H...

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Water That Helps Start Fires!

Water is normally thought to be the solution to extinguish fires, not ignite them. But when subjected to certain conditions, normal H2O can do the exact opposite. In orde...

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Polar Vortex Brings Sub-Zero Temperatures To The US

On Monday, January 6th, more than 140 million Americans woke up to frigid temperatures - ones that had not been experienced in at least 25 years. The Midwestern part of t...

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Rocks That Grow? Hmm . . .

The Romanian town of Costesti is home to one of the world's most amazing natural phenomena - rocks that grow. Named Trovants or 'cemented sand' the spherical shaped stone...

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In Western Australia Even Sharks  Send Out 'Tweets'!

The fact that Twitter, the social networking and microblogging site which enables users to send 'tweets' or 140 character messages to their followers is popular, is no se...

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When Teachers Become Students

With the holiday break coming to an end, students are bracing for the tough schedule that lies ahead. And it's not just the academic challenges they are preparing for, bu...

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No Art Supplies Required For These Stunning Masterpieces

If you ever happen to be at the Les Arcs ski resort in France you may encounter a strange sight - A man wearing snow shoes and walking in circles for hours on end. Meet S...

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