Kids News - Current Events

Guess What? Earth Has A Second (Mini) Moon!

Always wished we had a second Moon? Then you are in luck! NASA scientists from the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) on Mount Haleakala in Maui, Hawaii recentl...

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Meet Theresa May, Britain's 76th Prime Minister

On June 23, British voters stunned the world with their decision to leave the European Union. Almost immediately, Prime Minister David Cameron, who had lobbied hard again...

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Rejoice! July Is National Ice Cream Month

Though “sliced bread” gets the credit, we all know that it is ice cream that deserves the honor of being the world’s best invention. That is probably why on July 9, 1984,...

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Can An Elevated Bus Solve China's Traffic Woes?

To state that China has traffic issues is an understatement. A 2015 study conducted by navigation system maker TomTom revealed that the country is home to five of the top...

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