2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

testWednesday, March 23, 2011 at 9:01 pm

50th Anniversary Of Human Space Travel

Fifty years ago, on April 12th 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, made history, by becoming the first human to orbit the earth. The 108-minute flight hailed as the greatest feat in Soviet Space history, also helped reignite interest in space exploration.

Who Knew Water Droplets Could Be So Beautiful

We have all thrown rocks into the water, but very few of us have been able to appreciate how beautiful the water looks, as it splashes up - Partly because we are too busy counting the ripples it creates, but mostly, because it happens too fast for the human eye to catch.

Even Humpback Whales Release Hit 'Singles'

The fact that male humpback whales sing long sweet melodies has been known for many years - However, a new finding suggests that some melodies get so popular, that they are sung by whales all over the world!

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