2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

Apple And Cider Receive Presidential Pardon

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Today is Thanksgiving - A day when thousands of turkeys will be skillfully carved and gobbled up by hungry diners all over the United States. However, two gorgeous turkeys, Apple and Cider, will not make the cut (literally), thanks to a special presidential pardon granted to them by President Obama.

The 40lbs birds that hail from California were chosen from a 'Presidential Flock' of twenty five birds. Besides being raised in a luxurious barn, equipped with fans to keep them cool, they were even subjected to White House etiquette lessons and exposed to crowds and music, so that they would not panic during the pardoning ceremony.

In keeping with the tradition, Apple and his alternate Cider, flew into Washington D.C. (first class of course) and got some beauty sleep at the swanky W Hotel.Then freshly rested, the two arrived bright and early to the White House for the big ceremony. Their training certainly seemed to have paid off at least for Apple, who withstood the pardoning quite regally and even grunted what sounded like 'thanks' after it was over. As for his sidekick, Cider - While he was nowhere to be seen, we are sure he was well-behaved too!

Following the ceremony, the two left for their permanent home - However, unlike the last five years, their destination was not the Happiest Pace on Earth, but Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens, the former home of the first President of the United States, George Washington.

The age-old tradition of pardoning a single turkey is believed to have been started by President Truman, but it was not until 1989 that it was made official by President George Bush. However, when a turkey named Liberty escaped before he could be pardoned by President Reagan, the organizers decided to bring in a second turkey who acts as a back-up incase an incident like that ever happens again. We wish Apple and Cider a long and healthy life - As for the rest of the turkeys, all we can say is

Happy Turkey Day!

Sources:obamafoodorama.blogspot.com, voanews.com, huffingtonpost.com

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Post ThanksgivingSunday, November 28, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Mrs. Ingleread the following turkey related stories


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