2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

Animal StoriesTuesday, October 19, 2010 at 8:10 pm

Mrs. IngleEnjoy reading these animal stories.

Write comments about the unique aspect of each animal

Ms. Richards

Why Are These Bears Losing Their Fur?

The Leipzig Zoo in Germany is facing a very bizarre problem - Their female bears, Dolores and Lolita are losing all their fur and nobody knows why it is happening.

Ahhhh - Open Wider Please! Zebra Plays Dentist At Zurich Zoo

Jill Stonseby, a Jacksonville, Florida resident was visiting the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland, when she came across this astonishing sight - a zebra peeking inside the mouth of a hippo.

Wild Cat Forges An Unusual Bond With Family Pet

The relationship between a wild cat and a domesticated dog is usually quite straightforward - One eats the other for lunch! But don't tell Salati, a 10-month old leopard and Tommy the resident golden retriever at Glen Afric Country Lodge near Pretoria, South Africa, that.

This Lizard Runs On Water - Really!

On a sunny day the Basilisk, named after a mythical Greek character with magical powers, looks like any common lizard as it basks in the tropical forests of South and Central America. Only when startled by a predator, do you see its unearthly ability to run over the surface of water.

Humpback Whale's Record Breaking Migration

A female humpback whale has managed to swim herself into the record books, by migrating a distance of 6,125 miles or almost a quarter of the globe and about twice the distance normally covered by migrating whales.

Jim Belosic - Dad & Pancake Maker Extraordinaire

Most dads would be happy if they could whip up a normal stack of pancakes for their kids - Not Jim Belosic. This amazing dad makes pancakes that would be considered works of art, if only, his three-year old didn't gobble them down so rapidly.

Could Jellyfish Protein Power Nano Medical Devices?

Researchers at Sweden's Chalmers University of Technology, believe that protein from jellyfish may be a new source of energy - one that could aid medical science power nanotechnology devices (tools that can manipulate matter on a molecular or atomic scale).

Kevin Richardson A.K.A. Lion Whisperer

Kevin Richardson loves cats so much, that he sometimes spends the night curled up next to one - Not impressed? You will be when you realize, that his companions are not your normal tabby cats, but  wild ones, like lions, cheetahs and leopards.

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