2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

Etch A Sketch Art Anyone?

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Anyone who has played with an ‘Etch A Sketch’ knows how hard it is to draw on, let alone save the creation. However, Cleveland-based artist George Vlosich III, has not only figured out how to make his etches permanent, but also, sell them for thousands of dollars.

Mr. Vlosich's artistic career began when he went on a road trip to Washington D.C., and his parents gave him an ‘Etch A Sketch’ to pass the time. His amazing depiction of the U.S. Capital, impressed his parents so much, that they had to take a picture of it before he erased it.

He soon figured out that by carefully opening the back and getting rid of the excess powder, he could make his drawings permanent. The young sports enthusiast began to sketch pictures of his favorite athletes and sending it to them hoping that one day they would come back autographed. While that happened sometimes, more often than not, it led to a meeting with the athletes and an autograph - similar to the one on the right with Carl Ripken Jr.

He also entered monthly art contests sponsored by the ‘Etch A Sketch’ manufacturer. After he won a few contests in a row, they sent a representative to Mr. Vlosich's house to ensure that he was the one drawing the amazing pictures. Once convinced, the manufacturer sent him a new ‘Etch A Sketch’ every month, to encourage him to do more, and even did a countrywide tour with some of his best work, to demonstrate the kind of art that could be created with this simple device.

While it may look easy, Mr. Vlosich puts a lot of work into each of his etched masterpieces. Like all artists he first outlines a sketch of what he is going to draw in a notebook. Once he starts, it takes him anywhere between 70-80 hours to complete each work of art, largely because even if he makes a small mistake, he has to start all over again. After he is done he immediately shakes off the excess powder so that his masterpiece is permanently etched in.

Though the originals are expensive, Mr. Vlosich also sells prints and even T-shirts with his etches on them - a lot cheaper and just as impressive. To see his collection or buy an etched art, check out gvartwork.myshopify.com.

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